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Arri 575+ / 3 Arrilite Light Kit w/ wheels LK.0005639

SKU: LK-0005639

Availability: Backorder, Usually leaves warehouse in 1-2 weeks

Our Price: $2,625.00
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Arri 575+/3 Arrilite Light Kit w/ wheels LK-0005639

The Arrilite 575+/3 Compact Kit is a perfect lightweight, dependable kit. A nice companion for a DV Camera. Add one or two Chimera Softbanks and you have a nice portrait soft light kit. The Arrilite 750+ does not require and additional Chimera Speed Ring, It's Built In!

The ARRILITE 750 Plus is a new and improved incarnation of ARRI’s traditional, open-faced light, the ARRILITE 800/1000. By optimizing the ARRIMAX reflector for usage with an HPL* 750W lamp, the ARRILITE 750 Plus offers 21% higher light efficiency than the previous ARRILITE 800W, while the ARRIMAX optical system improves distribution of the light. A detachable and fully rotatable accessory holder accommodates scrims and barndoors, and incorporates fittings that permit the Chimera Video Pro Plus S to be fitted directly, without an additional speedring. The one-arm stirrup allows for plenty of pan-and-tilt options and a heat-proof handle at the rear of the lamphead enables easy maneuvering. No tools are required for changing bulbs as the housing consists simply of two detachable parts that open and close through bayonet cap locks. The smaller and lighter aluminum housing of the ARRILITE 750 Plus makes it an ideal lamphead for lighting kits and therefore also suitable for electronic newsgathering, field production and fast turnaround location use.

Arri Arrilite 575+/3 Compact Light Kit Model # 571915P.

Kit Includes:

3 L1.36700.A Arrilite 575W Open Face Lights
3 L2.79470.0 4 Way Barndoor
3 L2.0005119 6 5/8" Full Single Scrim
3 L2.0005121 6 5/8" Full Double Scrim
3 L2.0005209 HPL 575W, 120V Bulbs
3 L2.0005198 AS-01 Light Stand
1 L2.0005279 Compact 3 Light Case (32.5"x17"x10.5")

Wt: 51 lbs (approximate)

Don't Forget to Order Spare Bulbs!

Arri 575+/3 Arrilite Light Kit w/ wheels 571915P

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