GAM Lighting Products
GAMPRODUCTS, INC. was founded in 1975 as the Great
American Market. One of its first products was the off-the-shelf stainless steel gobo, The Great American Pattern; soon followed by the first portable modular projection system, the Great American Scene Machine. GAM was a pioneer in the early days of the concert rock 'n roll era creating special effects for just about every major concert artist, as well as for opera, television and film productions. The Great American Pattern, introduced as an off-the-shelf projection device became a basic tool for every lighting designer, from high school to Broadway, from the television networks to the smallest TV station.
The founders of GAMPRODUCTS created the original deep-dyed polyester color filter now known as GAMCOLOR. Deep-dyed polyester color filters obsoleted and replaced the then predominant acetates and gelatin based color filters. Deep-dyed polyester filters today are the standard of the industry and GAMCOLOR still provides that original and unique line of brilliant, bright and vibrant, clear colors.