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F&V Lighting & Camera Support

F&V Lighting & Camera SupportThe new kid on the block. Looking for an affordable LED lighting solution? F&V Lighting is quickly becoming a popular choice for film, video and photo lighting. A proven track record of reliability and durability at a price point that works for most budgets. The 1x1 LED Panel Lights are F&V's most popular lights for ENG and Documentary style shooting. Available in Daylight or BiColor color temperatures with either Anton Bauer or Sony V-Mount battery plates. A 3 light LED portable light kit that is the price of just (1) LED panel from other manufacturers. With their new Softbox and Chinese Lantern, the F&V 1x1 LED is the Swiss army knife of location lighting.

There are a lot of options for LED lighting. CRI rating, reliability, daylight, bicolor, plusgreen, minusgreen.... Don't be confused, just ask the Lighting Experts at BarnDoor Lighting Outfitters for the best solution. We can hand pick the right lighting product that fits your need and budget. We don't carry every brand, we carry the brands that work! Give us a call at 1-888-276-3667 or email us at and experience the "BarnDoor ... Get More" difference.