Kino Flo Diva Lites Compact Fluorescents for Film, Video, Photo, Lighting
What's nice about the
Kino Flo Diva Lite is you just pull it out of the case, pop it on a stand and plug it in the wall.
The ballast (power supply) is built into the light along with a rotary dial dimmer. No header cable or detached ballast to deal with. Just adjust the dimmer up or down for just the right amount of beautiful soft light. Need ultra soft lighting? Just add the Flozier diffuser to the front of the Diva Lite for glamour lighting. The Diva has become the most popular light for tv interview lighting because of it's ease of use and flexibility.
Change from Tungsten 3200K light to Daylight 5600K light by changing out the fluorescent tubes. No loss of light output as when you gel a tungsten light source to change it to daylight. It can't be any easier than the Kino Flo Diva. Now available in single Kino Flo Diva Light Kits with Light Stand for one complete, fast acting light for on the go, run and gun lighting.
Kino Flo Diva Lite 401 and 201 have become the industry's most popular professional cool lighting fixtures for video location work. The
Diva-Lite 401 portable softlights boast the company's trademark modular fixture designs with full-range dimming, switching and remote control features. The Universal model can be used anywhere in the world from 90VAC to 265VAC. Diva- Lite 201 fixtures likewise are portable, versatile units designed| for the rigors of run and gun lighting for news or commercial video production. All Diva-Lites can go from nighttime to daytime interiors by switching True Match tungsten for daylight quality lamps. It's like having two set-ups in one!