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Block Battery Indy 5000 Battery Generator 4,914 Watt Hour with Charger

SKU: INDY-5000

Availability: Usually leaves warehouse in 3-6 business days

Our Price: $6,399.88
Price: $6,500.00 You Save: $100.12 (2%)
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Block Battery Indy 5000 Battery Generator 4,914 Watt Hour with Charger

The INDY 5000 is a 4,914 watt hour, fast charging battery generator complete with rain cover, storage bin, & low battery warning light. This rugged built battery generator is intended for rental houses and owner operators that service and maintain their own equipment. Using our rapid charger, the Indy 5000 can charge in 4.5 hours and be used while charging. The Indy 5000 can link to additional units to double the capacity. The proprietary cartridge based solutions by Block Battery allow for ease of service, re- celling and fault diagnosis. Using the Block Battery proprietary cartridge based design, the Indy 5000 can provide up to 2500 watts of pure sine wave AC Power for lighting and general power applications. The Indy 5000 also gives two 20 amp 28VDC outputs for camera and crane applications. The built in diagnostics allow the owner to determine the weakest cartridge bank after every discharge.


Designed For:

Loads it Can Power

INDY 5000 Specifications


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