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DEMO - Matthews Studio Equipment Compact Black Reverse Light Stand B387486

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SKU: DEMO-B387486

Availability: Usually leaves warehouse in 1-2 business days

Our Price: $63.99
Price: $111.00 You Save: $47.01 (42%)
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Matthews Reverse Stand B387486

Now here's a clever idea that really complements your imagination - Matthews Reverse Stand. An innovative approach to folding a tripod without compromise to the stand's integrity or capacity. It's a tough little stand with a really neat little feature!

The dimensions are particularly impressive when you compare the maximum height you're able to attain against the minimum folded length. And, it's lightweight, strong and extremely durable. However, should there be a need for repair, it's constructed using nuts and bolts not rivets making repairs a whole lot easier! Comes with 4 risers and a 5/8" pin. Now that's versatile!


CA Prop 65 WarningWarning: This product may contain a chemical known by the State of California to cause health issues. Details found here
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