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ETC Source 4 Series 2 LED Lustr w/ Shutters | Black | No Lens

SKU: 7461A1051

Availability: Usually leaves warehouse in 3-6 business days

Our Price: $2,159.88
Price: $2,695.00 You Save: $535.12 (20%)

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ETC Source 4 Series 2 LED Lustr w/ Shutters | Black | No Lens

The Source Four LED Series 2 is the evolution of LED lighting. While it may look the same on the outside, the Series 2 offers even more of what makes the Source Four LED the best LED profile available. With optimized arrays and finely-tuned electronics, the Series 2 offers a combination of light quality and output that cannot be matched. Source Four LED Series 2 Lustr luminaires are based on the x7 Color System, utilizing seven colors including high-output lime to achieve true, usable broad-spectrum color with a depth and feel beyond any RGB fixture.

We put a twist of lime in the luminaire and mixed it all up. ETC's x7 Color System combines a balanced recipe of up to seven colors to create evocative color mixes. The Source Four LED Series 2 Lustr array takes the idea even further, with the addition of a lime-green LED emitter. Lime green increases the luminaire's lumen output in open white and lighter tints to make them brighter and livelier, better matching the color of a conventional Source Four fixture. The lime also enriches color-rendering by better marrying the red and blue ends of the color spectrum, for truer-to-life light that fills in the gaps that ordinary LEDs leave behind.

We also added more red to the x7 Color System in the Source Four LED Series 2 Lustr array. Working in unison with the lime-green emitter, the extra red means the luminaire can produce ambers, straws and pinks up to three hundred percent as bright as those from the original Source Four LED. The deeper, richer color from the Source Four LED Series 2 Lustr array will evoke the strongest audience reaction to your sunset, moonlight and dramatic scenes.

***Lens - Barrel Sold Separately***

Series 2 light engines work with all Source Four lens tubes to deliver a high-quality, controllable beam of LED light. For the best results, it is highly recommended that EDLT versions are used. We also offer a special LED-only version of the 50 degree lens tube.

View Source 4 Series 2 LED Data Sheet PDF


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