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Kupo Gel Roll for Lighting Filters

SKU: KG079711

Availability: Usually leaves warehouse in 2-3 business days

Our Price: $31.95
Price: $40.95 You Save: $9.00 (22%)
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Kupo Gel Roll for Lighting Filters | KG079711

The Kupo Gel Roll allows you to keep gels and filters organized and safe in one neat roll when not being used. The unfolded size is 32in(L) x 26in (W) which is large enough to store up to 100 pcs. The additional pouch stitching on the roll allows you to keep the gels and filters in place. Meanwhile, the inserted gels and filters can be folded and rolled up into a 26in length with a 5in diameter cylinder, and can be rolled and securely closed with two Velcro-straps which are attached to the roll. A central carrying handle makes transportation easy and convenient.


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