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ProTape Pro-Gaff Fluorescent Blue Gaffers Tape 2" x 50 Yards

SKU: T198

Availability: Usually leaves warehouse in 2-4 business days

Our Price: $18.99
Price: $30.00 You Save: $11.01 (37%)
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ProTape Pro-Gaff Fluorescent Blue Gaffers Tape 2" x 50 Yards

Gaffer tape was traditionally used for the film and theater industries by professional Gaffers. A Gaffer is a lighting tech who uses gaffers tape to secure lights in position and conceal wires across floors preventing tripping hazards. Brighter color gaffers tape is also applied to stages as spike marks helping performers and stagehands find their marks - even in low lighting. Pro Tapes® makes Pro® Spike which is perfect for this purpose.

Gaffers tape is now more widely used as a duct tape replacement. Unlike duct tape, it’s highly removable from most surfaces and a better choice most anywhere you would typically reach for duct tape. You’ll notice the benefits right away as you tear the first strip off the roll.

Width: 2 inch

Length: 50 yards

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